Hi people and co investors in city group of companies I was reading all the reviews posted by different people from different parts of the country, as per the previous reviews all are the ones by word of mouth of each other creating more panicy situation.
think of a fool who already got returns for past 5 years and over greed of getting car logded complaint, guys this is not just opened, there are people who got good benefits out of it. I recently invested for combo pack taking a loan of 2.6 laks and my family also invested in the same manner and I didnt even get the confirmation of the receipt,
just wait until 7th of october waiting for the final judgement, I totally understand the situation of each and everyone but just have patience until the bleady court fuidelines and politics move away from this gives its instructions for company to release funds ASAP.
I hope we will be paid and please dont go to pune office and threaten those staff as they got nothing to do with our investments and it is only our hope of contact.they are just like us working for the company. I beg you people not to do anything that will loose them also.