Just because of some fool people we r going to loss our money people are fighting with the staff and because of that city offices are closed so please dont panic and please help city to come out of this situation and be patient
Every company go through some bad times instead of helping them everybody start blaming I m also one of the investor of city limouzines I didnt get a single penny till now but still I m waiting if we start fighting with the staff and other officer than it is 100% we will lost our money
Be happy and dont worry we will get our money back. If we lose here I m sure that we will get by some other way. And the latest news is that the meeting will be on 7th Oct
We will meet there love you all investor byy. Just because of some fool people we r going to loss our money people are fighting with the staff and because of that city offices are closed so please dont panic and please help city to come out of this situation and be patient