Evn I ve invested a lot n dont knw wht to do. I hope v all cum out easily frm this issue as v all hav taken loans frm banks n all.
Guys v can jus pray to god n if mr masood has n e problems god shall bestow his blessings on him so tht even he cums out easily n starts giving us our returns as soon as possible. god is one n I believe in all religions, mr masood is a muslim n this is the ramzan month goin on n he shuldnt do n e cheatin or injustice to us. if he is true n right god will really bless him. tths all I can say....................
om namha shivaya
ya khuda
jesus bless us all
om gam ganpathe namah
om vakra tundaya namah
om kujaya namah
tridalam trigunakaram trinetra ch triyayadam tri janam paap sanwaharan ek belv shiv arparan......
ek onkar satnam karta purkh nirbhao nirver akal moorat ajuni saibhan gur parsad jap aad sach jugad sach haibhi hosi bhi sach....