This is to inform you all that we all investors are meeting on 20th sep, Sunday, sharp 11 am morning at City Limouzine office at abids. Request you all to come and so that we can take a concrete decision on this issue.
Just now came to know from Bombay that city has appealed to postpond the 7th oct meeting date to 15th Oct on the pretext that they have to send notice to all investors before 21 clear days....Again, this news needs to be confirmed.
Delhi investors, please clear , whether the 20th Sep meeting is arranged by investors themselves or city management?
I personally feel that it must have been arranged by investors themselves..since ...Here at Hyderabad office, Citi has put notcie that we are invited to go to Bombay on 7th october for the meeting.
Came to kow that Bombay meeting was not that fruitful. We hope to take a fruitful decision under a strong leadership.