I have invested 2.89 lacs with the city lum group at Bangalore. Till aug 09 I was getting my payments of rs 14000 per month but this time it was not a lucky time. The cheque deposited at Punjab National Bank, Faridabad has been rejected.
I would like to remind every investor that the company has actualy changed all the investment policies and the payment criteria w.e.f 16 Aug 09. presently only amount of rs 4000/- is being provide for the period of 36 months against the investment of rs 1.53 lakh.
May be due to this changes I have lost my money. May god bless to the managment of the company who never bothered to inform the investors prior amendments in policies. May be infuture the company could do some miracle but not at this juncture when individuals have invested and waiting for some growth. the company should have courtesy to atleast inform in any of the general news paper or any other print media. may be I feel the managment has only thought of the best for the company as on now but it may not prove better for individuals.
BL Sharma