If you r right and not doing it intentionally and whatever u replied in the interview is truth. Then I m here on behalf of all the investors to assure you that we all are always here to help u. One of the reason to helping u is that "Wer the part of company and we all also have the debentures of the company. So u need not to take all the harassment alone.
Other reason to support u "If just because of supporting u, we preserve those people who supposed to do the suicide if case doesnt sortout. If EOW putting investingation and harassing u just because of the complaint lodge by Person Jalandhar.
We all investor request to Economic Offences Wing (EOW) to stop investing to City Limouzines and carrying on the business comfortably. EOW must understand that **"Country benefit is much important than the individual" Add ur name to support City Limouzines
Mohit Menon*