Mumbai Police have started their investigation into illegal activities of Kirti Patel and Prasad Mhatre. There are many others who have collected money from people claiming that they will fight for them in court. Mr. Prasad Mhatre is top on this list and could be arrested anyday.
As most of us know Mhatre is very closely related to Virendra Maurya and Narendra Khetan and belongs to the same gang as Masood and the Razzakis. Please do not give any money to any person claiming to start a forum, as they are all being watched and in turn you will fall into trouble. Go and get your money back from Patel and Mhatre. If they dont return your money, file a complaint against them in Andheri Police Station or EOW.
There are other people collecting funds in Delhi, Chennai and elsewhere, so please get your money back before these people vanish. Another person to be very careful of is marvadi Khetan. He is neither an investor nor from law enforecement. Why is he seen at the courts everytime? Why is Maurya using his office? This is because he is the main culprit behind this entire scandal. Masood is hiding behind Khetan. Police have also started receiving complaints about Narendra Khetan and his days are numbered.
The Dec 2nd Mumbai Rally organised by Mr. Manohar Lohia will highlight these points to investors so they get alert and stop wasting their money, especially after losing so much money in the company. Please come and attend this rally and voice your concerns to the CM, Raj Thakeray and R.R. Patil.
There is heavy pressure on mumbai police from the central government to slow down the investigation, so we will make sure this rally takes care of this glitch.
Sanjay Khetan (no relation to Narendra Khetan)