We the investors have been at a loose end ever since the cheques started being dishonored. We are not sure as to when and if the company will start honouring the cheques.
Many have advised court cases. Masood says he will return the money under a scheme of arrangement to be approved on 15th oct. He also gives an interview he will return money taken from investors at much lower rates of interest since he can no longer do business.
I have now mostly given up since lie after lie is being handed out by Mr. Masood and his city group personnel. I hope Mr. Masood returns the money in the fair following manner, which will please all investors as well as get him off the hook of cheating.
- return all investment made initially, along with accrued interest as per agreement till the date of final settlement..we had an agreement which must be honoured since **city / he has made money during the pendancy of the agreement till final settlement.
*will the banks / govt accept such scheme of arrangement just because the borrower can no longer pay as per the lenders agreement.. the lenders will attach the borrowers assets, with a court order if need be.Why should it be otherwise in this current scenario where we are the lenders.
- return all this at one go since we can no longer trust city limos to clear post dated cheques. I hope all investors think on this advise of mine, and unitedly oppose his scheme of arrangement, as well as propose the above.Be sure city has all the resources to pay back his dues. Of course the world does not go by fairness. but we can try. But Mr. Masood you are a muslim aqnd will have to answer Allah for the distraught cries of inverstors like us if you do not settle your dues and promises in this world.