I m also one of the lucky investers in city limouzines & realcom. although my chqs amounting to 1 00 000/- approx hav bounced I hav no fear as the staff.
All the directors of the company are attending to the pleas of all the investors. today I visited the h/o of the co. at nariman point & met the jt managing director mr. umar I razzaki & I was convinced that there is still nothing to worry.
On 18/8/09 I was told by one of the staff from the andhari branch that the chq return charges levied by the bank will be borne by the co. but today I was told that they are yet to take a dessicion on that which shall be done after clearing all the bounced chqs.
rest all seems as fine & normal.
do mail if anybody has any fresh info
anil shringy