We will continue to write and read comments. The fact of the matter is that we have lost our MONEy, Peace of MIND and most importantly a Crook like Masood has taken the GENERAL PUBLIC of our country( IGNORANce is Bliss) for a nice little ride.
It is a pity that for the last two months none of us have ben able to do anything about it. There was a time when lot of finance companies across India were offering interest rates of 36- 48% and most of them bit the bust.
The law took its own course to liquidate their assests and pay back a portion of money to the investors. Is something like that gonna happen with city?
Can we see some light at the and of the tunnel? Y are the law makers of the country keeping quiet? What is the EOW doing? Why is it that the police nor EOW or the concerned authorities not amnaking making any announcement? what happened to the money that was collected from investors? has it been siphoned off? Where is the money and in what form?
Who will answer all these questions? . I hope and pray that the concerned authorities come out with a statement in this regard.