Dear all my investor friends you are all invited to join with us and become our strenght to fight to get back our investment money and returns from the company. As you all aware with that what is happening with us. No one is comeing out to help us in this crises.
The Central Government, State Government, Administration, Police all are just silence and not takeing any initiation towards the soluation, They are still with the company as they are sufficiently grown up with the company with our money. Lastly the media is also shown their color as what they are in India. Judicial proceeding is also a question under this situation.
So we have no way left to live under Indian democracy.What ever the situation we have to fight for our right under the all odd system. We are organaised now and we start our fight legally as well as we start to give pressure on the local Government and as well as Central Government. So please join with us so with your esteemed support we proceed to get back our retuem and invest.Hope all the best for your joining hand with us.Yours sincerely, Rama Ballabha Choudhury-9764004033Advocate High Court Bombay.
*Highlight: We are collecting the signatures off the investors to represent to the President of India, Maharashtra Government to interfere and also representing to the Chief Justice of India including Chief Justice Bombay High Court.