First I must suggest you dont panic!!! I am worried for my money also I have 5 combos and my 10 lak is still stuck. You will get your principal Amount till the company cant shutdown .You are only creditors and investors.
Now this is the sec through company want to court.because they know when the cheque are started bouncing then it will be dificult to handle the Customer and the employee will run away .
So Please do not vote for the CLOSURE of this company because you may loose the principal amount or may take time to be refunded.
Section 391 (2) •If a majority in number, representing three-fourth in value of the creditors/members, or class of creditors/members as case may be, present and voting either in person or by proxy, at the meeting, agree to any compromise or arrangement, the compromise or arrangement if sanctioned by the court be binding on all the creditors, members and also on the company or in the case of a company which is being wound up, on the liquidator and contributories of the company. •An order made by the court under sub-section (2) shall have no effect until a certified copy of the order has been filed with ROC.