Whatever b the political or the diplomatic angle is involved in this city limouzines case. But the ultimate sufferers is the general public and the middle class people like us who hv invested their hard earned money in this company with a view to earn some returns.
The time is passing on at its own speed. with each day going unnoticed by the govt or the other public servants, the chances of refund of money are bleaking.
This case is also not so much transparent for general public. there are different viewpoints regarding this case for the police, govt, and the general public.
But someone plz also think abt the persons like us, who have invested hard earned money in this by keeping future of our children at stake. wat will now happen to our money. Kindly take some strong steps in the interest of the general public and help us to get our money back asap.
Plz guide us what to do and whom to approach for this case. This is really very disappointing!