I have invested lakhs of rupees in city group.I had tremendous trust in city group since company was functioning since the past 15 years.although the company promised and provided unbelievable returns there was no reason whatsoever to doubt its honesty.the company functioned in a very professional manner.so I am absolutely sure that there is more to it than meets the eye.
There is a very important political angle which everyone has surprisingly missed.I am sure that politics too has a major role to play in this scam.we shouldnt forget that a few prominent politicians were on the board of the babasaheb ambedkar pratishthan which was closely affiliated to the city group.we should also focus on this angle.
The mumbaI police which once was regarded as the second best police force in the world after scotland yard is a notoriously corrupt force today.
We shouldnt forget that masood had alleged that the mumbaI police had harassed him since he didnt agree to pay them the heavy bribes they had demanded from him.we have no reason to disbelieve him.isnt it too much of a coincidence that a company which was doing so well for 15 years suddenly got embroiled in so many cases including foreign exchange evasion charges, cheque bouncing charges, etc.
We shouldnt trust the mumbaI police in this case and should request the bombay high court to transfer the case to the c.b.I which is much more honest and professional.the c.b.I should investigate this scam under the supervision of the hon. Bombay high court.I am sure the cbI will find out whether masood or mumbaI police is speaking the truth.
Once again I repeat that we should all ensure that this case is handed over to the cbI so that we can be sure of getting back our money.
I am not suggesting for a moment that masood is an angel.undoubtedly he had managed the company in a professional manner for nearly 15 years.I have been investing in this company for the past 3 years.not only did I receive all my cheques on time but also not even a single cheque bounced and therefore I have no reason to doubt masoods credentials.
However, I feel that if masood feels that truth is on his side then he should come out in the open to face the world and prove that hes not afraid of the consequences.
Last but not the least I would like to say in conclusion that all of you can rest assured that everyone will get their money because one of the last pillars of democracy, the judiciary is extremely honest, competent and pro-active in india and has in several cases intervened to ensure a free and fair trial.
We should not rest until we get our money back from the city group.
I also will be grateful to u all if u leave some feedback on the issues I have raised in my comments.
Shekhar, Mumbai