This all seems like a susidal mission right from day 1. Right from the case in 2007. One simple logic. The invesrers lawyer if not the invester himself must be aware that his cliant has invested in a non vehicle option & thus has recvd a fair cost of the vehicle i.e Rs 55000/- & is not entitled to recv back the vehicle. Yet He took up the case.
This is because he must have been paid by the co. to loose the case which would serve as an eyewash for the other investers. After that the co. transfered all the money to its desired location in a desired mode & country. Then a second eyewash. A second case of FERA default. This is the final nail in the coffin of the investor. ACCOUNT SEALED. But no. the story dose not end there. A sardarji from delhi had come for the meeting on 14th oct carried a copy of a letter from ABN AMRO Bank stating that the amount bal in their a/c was 0.40 ps.
After all this Masood intentionaly fails to attend all court dates to get himself arrested so that he is not answerable to the investers.
Will the authories take a note of this calculated move & act accordingly because as it is the investers now have nothing to loose. SO MASOOD FEAR THE ALLMIGHTY.