Dear citylemouzines investors, I am also invested 4.5 lakhs and in receipt of just half of my investment. I feel, it is very difficult for the compay to come out from the present situation. The police, the leading party and other pressure group existing in mumbai will also try to manipulate the situation. I also gone through the paper cutting received from mumbai that the Comapy can pay the money within a week. I suggested that we should come together and decided our future with city lemouzines. My suggestions are:-
Let City open their offices( No bandalism by the customers)
Let them decide the mode of refunding our money
If required we should ready to accept 10-20% less amount if the compay running in losses as projected in on line.
In case of bindling up full money is to be refunded with interest as suggested.
Delhi and NCR investors should also organise a meeting and project our concerned to the Company and the Govt at appropriate level.
-Media not yet telecast any l cover story of this prevaling fraud.
yashpal singh