Sayed Masood bhai, (Director) City Realcom Ltd.
I have not seen ALLAH-but I have faith in Him-similar way I have not seen you, but trusted your company CITY REALCOM, but thoroughly disappointed. This is a bigger tragedy that I have faced more traumatic than the unexpected demise of my life partner this year in January 2009. I am totally devastated as these returns was my only source of income.It all unfortunately happened in the Holy month of Ramazan, a month of spiritual awareness and praying to ALLAH for happy times and fulfillment of our wishes- But what a shame-who is responsible for all our shattered hopes and hard earned money? You can bribe officials, but not ALLAH. You can hide from investors, but definitely not from ALLAH-so come forward and take Duaa and not Badduaa-Babduaa can be heard faster than Duaa. You are a family person. Stop playing Hide and Seek games,
Thank God- ALLAH has not made any provision/facility to take away luxury and wealth in the Grave. One day you will face ALLAH- will you have any answer to our questions? Come forward and repay investors money. Maybe God will pardon your sins. Its been five months- How much more to WAIT?
Bangalore: 09343713378