In the matter of Companies Act, 1956
In the matter of Sections 391 of the
Companies Act, 1956;
In the matter of Scheme of Compromise
between City Realcom Ltd. having its
registered Head office at 96, B-wing, 9th
Floor, Mittal Towers, Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021
Its Creditors
City Realcom Ltd. a Limited
Company registered under the
Companies Act, 1956 having its
Registered office at 96, B-wing,
9th Floor, Mittal Towers,
Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021
through its Director Manoj
Vighe, Adult, Indian Inhabitant
having Addresss at 96 “B” Wing,
Mittal Towers, Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021
…. Applicant Company
Coram: S. J. Kathawalla J.
Date: 9th September 2009
Mrs. Alpana Ghone alongwith Mr. Simil Purohit with Adv. Virendra Maurya
and Adv. Nirmala Bhosale i/b V. N. Associates, for Applicant
UPON the Application of the Applicant Company abovenamed by the
Summons for Directions AND UPON HEARING Mr. Simil Purohit, Council
with Mr. Virendra Maurya i/b. V. N. Associates Advocates, for the Applicant
Company, AND UPON READING the Affidavit dated 21st August 2009 of
Manoj Vighe, the Director of the Applicant Company in support of Summons
for Directions and the Exhibits therein referred to; IT IS ORDERED:
- That a meeting of Class “A” Creditors(as defined in the Proposed
Scheme) of the Applicant Company be convened and held on
Wednesday, the 7th day of October 2009 at 11:00 O’ clock, for the
purpose of considering and, if though fit, approving, with or without
modification, the proposed scheme of arrangement of Applicant
company with its creditors at Garware Club, (Wankhade Stadium), DRoad,
Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.
- That a separate meeting of Class “B” Creditors(as defined in the
Proposed Scheme) of the Applicant Company be convened and held
on Wednesday, the 7th day of October 2009 at 3:00 p.m., for the
purpose of considering and, if though fit, approving, with or without
modification, the proposed scheme of arrangement of the Applicant
company with its Creditors at Garware Club, (Wankhade Stadium),
D- Road, Churchgate, Mumbai 400 020.
- That at least 21 clear days before the date of the aforesaid two
respective meetings to be held as aforesaid, an advertisement
convening the said meetings, indicating the day, the date, the place
and time aforesaid stating that copies of the Scheme, Notice, the
Explanatory Statement required to be furnished pursuant to section
393 of the Companies Act 1956 and Forms of Proxy can be obtained
free of charge at the Registered Office of the Applicant Company, be
published once each in two local newspaper, viz, “Free Press Journal”
in English and in “Maharashtra Times” in the Marathi both having
circulation in Mumbai. The publication of the Advertisement in the
Maharashtra Government Gazette is dispensed with.
- That, in addition, at least 21 clear days before the date of the
aforesaid two respective meetings to be held as aforesaid, a notice
convening the said meetings indicating the day, the date, the place
and time aforesaid, together with a copy of the said Scheme, a copy
of the Explanatory Statement required to be furnished pursuant to
Section 393 of the Companies Act 1956 and the prescribed Forms of
Proxy, shall be sent by pre-paid letter under Certificate of Posting
addressed to each of the Class “A” and Class “B” Creditors of the
Applicant Company at their respective registered or last known
- That the settling and approving of the form of advertisement, Form of
proxy, the form of notice, the Explanatory Statement required to be
furnished pursuant to Section 393 of the Companies Act, 1956 to
accompany the notice by the Company Registrar of this Court is
dispensed with. The Applicant Company undertakes to:
a. Advertise the Notice convening Meetings as per Form
No.38(Rule 74)
b. Issue statement containing all the particulars as per
Section 393 and other applicable provisions, if any, of
the Companies Act, 1956
c. Issue Form of Proxy as per Form No.37
d. Issue Notice convening meeting as per Form No.36
(Rule 73)
The undertaking is accepted.
- Mr. Kesar Baig, Accountant, failing him, Ms. Nirmala K. Bhosale,
Advocate, failing him, Mr. Akram Khan, Sales Manager, failing him,
Mr. Rajiv Lamba, Executive Director, is appointed as the Chairman of
the both meetings of Class “A” and Class “B” Creditors, to be held on
7th October 2009.
- The quorum of the meeting of Class “A” Creditors is fixed at 20 Class
“A” Creditors present in person or by proxy or through Authorised
- The quorum of the meeting of Class “B” Creditors is fixed at 20 Class
“B” Creditors present in person or by proxy or through Authorised
- That the Chairman appointed for the aforesaid two meetings to issue
advertisement and sent out notices of the aforesaid meetings referred
to above. The Chairman is free to avail the services of the Applicant
Company or any agency for carrying out the said directions. It is
further directed that the Chairman of the meetings shall have all
powers under the Articles of Association of the Applicant and the
under the Companies(Court) Rules 1959 in relation to the conduct for
the meetings including an amendment to the Scheme or Resolution if
any, proposed at the meetings by any person(s) and to ascertain the
decision of the meetings on a poll.
- That voting by proxy/authorized representative is permitted, provided
that the proxy in the prescribed form / authorization duly signed by the
person entitled to attend and vote at the aforesaid meetings or by his
authorized representative, is filed with the Applicant at its Registered
officer at 102, B-wing, 10th Floor, Mittal Towers, Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021, not later than 48 hours before the said respective
meetings as per Rule 70 of the Company(Court) Rules 1959.
- That the value of the each creditor shall be in accordance with the
records or registers of the Applicant Company and where the entries
in the books are disputed the Chairman shall determine the value for
the purpose of the meetings.
- That the Chairman shall report to this Court the result of the said
meetings within 14 days of the conclusion of the respective meetings
and the said report shall be verified by his Affidavit.
- In view of the averments made in paragraph No.10 of the Affidavit in
Support of Summons for Directions, the convening and holding of the
meetings of the Shareholders and the Un-Secured Creditors of the
Applicant Company are dispensed with.
- Certified copy be expedited
Company Judge