I am an investor and have recovered 83.40% of the invested corpus. The company had been consistant in keeping to the contract on payment dues till the month of August 2009...which is in their favour. But not being transparent and failiure to inform depositers in case of adversity has been their downfall .
Additionally issuing proxys and public memorandoms to protect themselves rather than agreeing to comply with the original contract made with each of us and to continue payment till the end of contract ..... creates an an element of doubt on the intention of the company. Makes me wonder whether all this was pre planned to run withthe loot.I am of the opinion that we should hold the company to fulfil the original agreement and continue payment until maturity and expiry of each of our contacts.
This is a repetion I am an investor and have recovered 83.40% of the invested corpus. The company had been consistant in keeping to the contract on payment dues till the month of August 2009...which is in their favour. But not being transparent and failiure to inform depositers in case of adversity has been their downfall. Again an element of doubt does arise whether such action that is being taken by the company is to run with the loot.I am of the opinion that depositers should hold the company to comply witht he original contract made with each of us and fulfill it to the end of it rather than issue such public memrandoms and proxys....which infact creates further doubt on the intention of the company directors.