FINALLY WE GET TO HEAR SOMETHING FROM MR MASSOD "DER SAHI DURUST SAHI" If at all we take the text (face) value as it is ...then the news seems to be very positive and his intentions very honest towards the investors ... I am still very sure that the day is not far
When we shall hear something special ...and this special news shall soon gather momentum. I am fully aware that the level of trust faith belief towards mr masood and the co.. is very low May be below sea level..........but miracles do happen ...and miracles will happen...mind u there are
numerous such schemes with much more returns runnning in the market..We dont and we should not have any complains .....but then let us also enjoy the same...if the co can run for 15 yrs...then why not.. it should and will run for 15 x 2 yrs...IF , AND WHEN MR MASOOD IS SO CONFIDENT
AS PER THE DNA interview..then why shouldnt we.....lets all pray for the same and await for the day ..when we shall say ... happy days are here again "...Available till 1900 hrs today.............then on 12th oct after 1500 hrs
mbl..98 21 41 21 68....