This is great news for all of us. Chairperson of city limousine come out and ready to pay our hard earned money. Please visit Its official site of city launched itself today only.fill up the claim form and get your money. Hope it will b happened very soon as said s.m.masood. If masood get bail on 5th Feb. He will start to return money I think so.
Please fill up the claim form as soon as possible and dont believe in rumour spread by some one.believe in company only because only company can help us
Sandeep saini
Nobody can prove it is fake or it is authentic. Please dont believe in rumour spread by anyone.believe in yourself and company only. I know that he is so intelligent and have good mind who is developed site.he will never launch fake site as he knows that he will b caught by cyber crime police if make any fraud through site.
I have sent a mail to mr manohar lohia the day before yesterday and got a reply from him within 5-10 min only.he told me site is fake and please dont spread can he prove site is fake within 5-10 min only. I think he is very negative or looking for his personal benefit to spread negatively of company .my humble request to all investor dont believe in such kind of person who is not using personal identity .how much can he reliable think yourself. He is saying that sign does not belongs to Mr. Masood .can he prove it?its only his view.he is not reliable guy, I think so.
So finally, I want to say please dont believe in rumour and use your mind only as nobody is responsible for our investment except company.