I read one article in ( https://adviews.in) and now I am confident very much that all City Limouzine investors will be safe, because there are opportunities which gives more % returns in some genuine trading buisiness activities.
We dont know what is the % of profit of City Limouzine business activities and lets hope they invested our money in proper, better way.
Now they are facing some difficulties from Regulatory Boards and lets hope good time will come to City limo and also to the investors.
Even some parts the situation is getting worse as people are not getting the correct information.
Here in south the investors are much worried because they dont know whats happening in delhi and mumbai.
In chennai 5000 investors today gathered and gave complaint to the City Police Commisoner (source: Sun TV news 07.00 pm). In chennai they formed Investors Welfare Association.
Thanks to https://mouthshut.com providing such wonderful platform.