Today we have submit the application against city real com to investor meeting at chennai do know anything about please join below group
today we have submit the application against city real com to investor meeting at chennai do know anything about please join below group
nvestment plan called City Real Com from City Limousine Ltd. In that they have taken 1, 25, 000/= and made an agreement to pay monthly Rs. 7775/= monthly , now they have paid money for the past 4 months and suddenly they have stopped payment against cheque. I confirmed from their office There I Found like me THOUSANSD are arguing for the same reason and they are not answering any logical answer
I have invested Rs 1, 30, 000/- from my hard core money before two months. But the cheques from sep 09 bounced and there is no reply or message from the company side. After going to their office it is locked . Kindly help and advise.