I m also a big investor , but according to me we all take patience and wait for 7th or 14th day of oct , it will definetly give us some reliefe.so dont panic and do our regular work properly .
All my family and freinds also in my support in this critical situation.So cool &calm.Lets try to enjoy our life as usual keep, our mind used in others activities.. like sociel and help to others , my believe us is that it will works, surely.thaks to this website mouthshut.com to help and share our problem to other people like us.this is my first review in this site writing corner .i want to request you all please send me all information you have about city limouzines case.
I am keen waiting for your regular updates.all investors in a puzzle I know very well , me and my many freinds are interested to settle meeting in any place about to discuss this matter seriously so think about it and msg me .if anyone interested to meet with, i like your support please contact me at this email id : (unisoldier2009@gmail.com ) also.me and my all freinds are with you at every movement.