Mr Manohar I dont know who u r We all r hoping that we will atleast recover our money invested in these schemes. Anyways we all tokk risk by subscribing to such high returns schemes.
I know we all r fighting against hope. But we should always hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.I know we all have a fear of losing our hard earned money, but lets hope that our current nightmare doesnot come true and we again start receiving our monthly money.
All of us will agree that our decision to invest money in such schemes was wrong. The person who invested more than 1 year ago is benefited but most of us are current investors who have invested in last 0 - 6 months frame.
Till the time we received our money nobody was interested in figuring out how the company is working But now when we introspect we find that The Company has done a lot of shady deals.
We gave money to City Limouzine & City realcom but now are receiving cheques from City Hospitalities(A non Existing Company)
The cheques are bouncing and the reason is insufficient funds. If any investigation would be on the reason should be accounts freezed, etc. What is insufficient funds?
When I enquired about this at city’s Office I was told that since the accounts are freezed they are not able to transfer the funds. Why is the need for them to transfer the funds amongst their group companies. This proves malifide intentions.
Everytime any one of us calls at city’s office we get different replies the staff is not clear as to what is happening and Mr Masood is not interested in giving any statement(of course except to Mr Manohar). Why is Mtr Masood not putting a reply to all this saga on the website??? Again proves malafide intentins
Now a new story is going around about Apeal to be filed by fema in High Court, Supreme Court. This I feel is all story to fool us.
The fact that the accounts are freezed by government authorities proves that the company has a lot of shady deals
I have inquired with the Ministry of Company Affairs. There is no company named City Hospitalities registered with Them. The company is a fraud. They have now asked everybody to wait till 15th of September to deposit Cheque. This is nothing but a pure Ponzi scheme which will fail very soon be aware. No Company in this world generates enough profits to give such super interest of 40%+. If one could look at the names & Adressess of directors of City Limouzine posted on Ministry of Corporate Affairs website they will find that all the directors stay in zopadpatti.(A case where the office boy/peons are made the director of the company so that the real person who commits the fraud is free) . The company has not yet posted the Financial results for 31/03/2008 on the Ministries website but for Financial year ended on 31/03/2007 it has shown a profit of Rs. 10 Lakhs only & Paid tax of around 3 Lakhs.
Believe me I m not Joking. You can ask any Company Secretary/Chartered Accountant to have this details verified on MCAs Website.