I m also an investor in City group. I visited Delhi City Limouzines office at 1400 hrs on 27 Nov 2009. All the work was stoped, No any Senior Staff was present , what will happen for our money. No body was avilable to give any reply to investers.
One gentleman was stating that sms was sent to everyone, He tried to assure to present public, that funds are safe.I want to express myself that nobody is neither giving any statement from Delhi city office nor arrested by the police like as Geeta, Shaila & Umar from Pune and Mr. C.J.A Azeez khan(regional director) city limouizines&city realcom, was arrested in Mumbai, .
Whereas Mr. C.J.A Azeez khan(regional director) city limouizines&city realcom humbly appealed to mr.Syed Masood, (chairman city groups)to kindly give a statement through city group or through mediathe Managing Director, Directors and the entire staff of city limouzines have cheated lakhs of poor investors across India. This thought raised in my heart, I dont know - WHY--
Therefore I humbaly request to all investors across India, that matter may any place in India, To bring all the investors, in one platform is rather difficult, At this stage I request all the investors across India, who have information regarding the Economic offences frauds, criminal proceedings, FIR, court orders or any information on MD and Directors, may be posted on this site (or get the copies through RTI), this will help all the investors in future to fight jointly good luck god bless us all- Sharma fm Delhi.