Yesterday I happened to visit the branch at Chennai and met the Regional Manager who has taken up the assignment on 9th Sept09 and was informed that the case of City Limouzines will have positive judgement on the hearing day posted on 9th Sept posted at Mumbai Court.
Already taken some initiative to invest more, If the above information is true, Already received Aug-Dec cheques only in favour of City Hospitalities. If that is the plan, would like to have their plans for switch of cheque favours. If anybody could share the information, it will be worthwhile.
Only City Realcom has been posted for hearing on 16th Sept09 and this was the information gathered during my discussion at Chennai. If anybody could give some feedback on this, will be very much helpful.
Request Mr. Masdood and Madam Chitra to have some information for further plans. If the premises of City Limouzenes possess their own property, a hard copy of the same circulated to members will pave way for further plans and will also help to away from day-to-day stress.
Whatever the readers feel to share in connection with any of the above and their interest may please be shared with the sender.