How many of you know that this movie is a remake of german movie called Wings of desire, which is a modernday classic? The movie does the job of being a sappy/romantic movie quite well.Meg Ryan plays the role very well & the close shots of her eyes really make u love her :)
I liked the scene which shows all angels assembling together at the sea shore & njoying the view of sunrise.
The cameo role of an angel who surrenders the status to become human is very touching & provides a different perspective to the movie. Another strong pt. of the movie is its music. All of the songs are just awesome & not a hindrance to the flow of the movie. Techincally aswell the movie is quite good & esp. the shot of rooftop where nicholas cage & his friend are chatting, looks too good!
All in all, for ppl who r suckers for romantic/drama genre go & watch this movie!