I did not find this shampoo offensive but nor did I find it effective. It did something rather disturbing to my hair. Instead of bodifying it like the bottle said it would, it just made my hair frizzy. I suppose frizzy hair does appear to have more body, but I think we can all agree that it isnt the look one usually goes for. To be fair, it isnt the worst thing to ever happen to my hair.
The scent was alright, but too strong and it stuck to my hair too much. Its nice when a shampoo lightly scents the hair, but this was really too much. I felt like I was wandering around in a cloud of cheap perfume all day. I felt like the crazy Chanel 5 ladies that have worn so much of it for so long that they cant smell it anymore so they just wear more. Actually, on second thought, the scent was terrible.
The best things I have to say for this shampoo are that my hair was clean and it was easy to use. Yes. Clean and simple. Thats it.