I have to admit that of all the 10-12 things I listed for qualifying whether a school is good or not good, CPS scores well in all of them.and therefore I would have to say Clarence Public School is a very good school.
I have a kid in 3rd and so my comments cannot be far sweeping.
Prior to CPS, he was in a different school and he would not want to go to school. Took us a while to figure out something is amiss in that school. Move to CPS. He does not want to miss even a single day!
We adults dont need to waste time any further!
Of course, the education in India needs to be more practical and application oriented. This I guess is not just one school.
I hope computer education will not be introduced for primary school children. I strongly feel this is not a good move. Children have the most open, free and creative minds. Computer education will simply kill it! Let them get their hands dirty.play in water, play with other children on the ground, learn music, etc. Invest more in physics, maths and chemistry lab instead.