I have taken 2 Clay SIM on 1st October15 from Saurabh @ Clay Telecom for myself and my colleague for our official trip to Sri Lanka. the Plan was of INR 1990/- with 100min. free local, 100min. free international and unlimited internet data.
SIM:+94765319055, +94766901047
the trip was from 5/10/15 - 10/10/15
the SIM did not work on 5th and started work only on 6th evening due to some setting issue.
Once back to India removed the SIM on 10/10/15 and handed back the SIM to Sanjay @Clay Telecom on 15/10/15.
Bill generated of INR 2733/- against both SIM was charged to my card on 15/10/15. then there was a charge of INR 540/- on 20/10/15 which I have written to them.I have written mail to Clay team of this discrepancy and told them to rectify the records. NO REPLY.
Then today(18/11/15) there are 2 additional charges of INR 2904/- and INR 783/- on my Cred824it card. HOw can this be charged after 40 days?
I have raised a dispute with my Cred824it card provider and they are looking at a possible way to block this aishwaryasingh23ment which they have released. they have advised me to lodge an FIR with the local police station. I have now blocked my card to prevent any further misuse, while taking opinion from other to pursue the refund of this amount deducted fraduently.
People please be aware.