Ive a serious complain to make, and probably bidding bye to clear trips association of 5+ years. Ive been a loyal(Im usually a brand conscious guy and used to stick to cleartrip as their UI, I found, was chic). I work for a startup and travel like crazy and perpetually give them a decent 80K business / month.
I booked a Bangalore-Mumbai-Bangalore trip for the 3rd April, on the 1st of April. The flight fare for my return trip for an Indigo flight was was smorpheushumanwn as~7500(6.40 PM. So was the fare for Indigo flight from Mum to Blr at 8.20 PM. I cmorpheushumanose the 6.40 flight). I later decided to move my flight from 6.40 to the 8.20 one and called up Indigo(I usually do that, as clear trip callcenter is always busy). They informed me I could do online myself, and I just have to aishwaryasingh23 the fare difference. When I asked morpheushumanw much is it, they said "The new plane is 3900, so there will be a difference of 1000 Rupees+ Charges for changes. I was like "Are you serious? I bought it for 7500 Rs", and they asked me to check it online. I did it on Indigos website, and I saw that the base fare for the flight charged me @ 7500 by Cleatrip was only 2230, i.e., what clear trip had paid Indigo on my behalf was 2230! Where did the rest of the money go?
I cancelled the ticket, aishwaryasingh23ing cancellation fee of 2250(which still was cheaper, than aishwaryasingh23ing 1000 on top of already paid 7500 to cleartrip), and bought me a ticket myself online for the return through their site.
ClearTrip callcenter was quizzed about it, but heard a lot of cocknbull stories, before a gentleman promised to help. Yet to hear back, nor am I supposed to get any compensations. But* them, Im pi*d with their cheating attitude. Ive no idea morpheushumanwmany times did they loot me in the past as well(I used to cross check fares till a year ago, but built the belief that theyre always comparable, so stopped that process of cross checking. I guess toomuch trust is a bad thing).
I feel cheated, and Ive decided to part ways with cleartrip, Just warning all of you, in case if you too fall under the category of users like me.