This post is very much important for everyone. You may also face such kind of situations.
One week ago, I was surfing the internet to see whether some private financial firms are providing personal loan on the lower rates than the Banks.
During my Search. I found a quotation advertised by The The next day I received a mail from clickIndia and the name and phone numbers of the loan agent were mentioned. I didn't respond. Then the phone calls of the Loan agents started coming in my number.
Three days back , I received a whatsapp message where the same offer was mentioned, but this time it was little bit different. A woman named Anita Morgan had written That she got my database from clickIndia and also added further that without any mortaage the loan will be granted. I thought some scamsters were trolling me,
Then after every interval of half an hour I started reviving the message from her in my whatsapp. I google her name in the search engine and the profile which she explained was only found in the clickIndia site.
I said her that if it is legit then I would prefer to avail a loan from your financial firm bug the quotes should be matching as per by financial ability.
Then a guy from Delhi who said was an employee of Anita Morgan, explained me the details how they are going to transfer from the United Kingdom.
I submitted my xerox copy of Aadhar, PAN, bamkstatement . Then she sent me a legal agreement which was dulilu signed by one lawyer. mentioned in the photo)
Then she said that nordervtoo convert pounds into Rs. A charge of 8500Rs has to be paid by the borrower than only they will be able to cash it in my account.
Then I understood I was being bamboozled, but I still get confused how the information which ate very much privacy concerned were provided by clickIndia to them. So it smell s fishy over here.
My dear friends I am so much worried of my documents being mishandled or misuse.Never respond to any of the message sent by