I first discovered Cliniques yellow stuff at a girlfriends house when in college. I found it fixed my scaly, dry facial skin, especially when used in conjunction with pure olive oil soap. It absorbs quickly, leaving my skin feeling fresh and soft. I like it, use it daily, and only wish it were more readily available. I typically buy a new bottle at the duty-free sections in airports. A little bit goes a long way; I use an amount the size of a pea for my forehead and a similar amount for each cheek. I carry it with me when sailing offshore, and find it prevents my skin from drying out under the effects of salt water, wind and sun. If it were a bit less expensive I would use it on my hands as well. I think it is overpriced, and Im sure they make a lot of profit on it. However, I continue to buy it, but because I only use it on my face, I go through two large bottles (the 4 oz. size) per year.