I have a fairly common affliction with my skin. Some parts tend to be really oily and tend to break out and other areas tend to be extremely dry. My cheeks fall into this second category and last winter I was having some serious dry skin issues just on my cheeks. I looked all red and chafed, looked kind of like Santa, which is not a look I was going for.
I went over to Burdines to visit the Clinique counter to see if there was a product that could help out. They sent me home with Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion and I was eager to check it out.
The size that I purchased was 1.7 oz. which retails for $10.00. There is also a 4.2 oz. size which will cost you $19.50. I wasn’t willing to shell that much out for something I was unfamiliar with.
This lotion is a light yellow color, and when you first apply it you tend to believe their claims that it is so light and oil free that anyone can use it and won’t break out. It is light, but after a few uses, there I was getting zits again. In the usual “dry” areas!
One nice feature is that Clinique’s Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion is fragrance free - I like that part of it a lot. I have tried it on my hands, which also tend to be dry, but it just doesn’t cut it for hands (which is fine since they don’t make that claim).
The bottom line is that although this lotion has some nice features such as being light and fragrance free it is not for everyone. I’m still looking for one to solve my dry cheek issue.