If you have the type of hair that is perpetually greasy around your forehead you will love this shampoo! I was actually recommended this by my dermatologist because it is fragrance free and very gentle. This particular shampoo has tee tree oil which is known for its astringent properties. One bottle is a bit costly (12 dollars U.S.) but last about 6 months. I was suprised since the bottle is tall and thin and looks as if it holds alomost nothing. I used to use Prell which is an old formula shampoo that kicks major grease butt. Since then I have switched because this seems to almost make my hair retain the power to fight grease and oil by itself. The tea tree oil works wonders! I also love the bottle its light plastic and can be recycled most places. This shampoo also gives nice body to my fine hair and is pleasantly scented.