This lotion was bought for me by my mom. Now, you can look at my picture and see that I dont have a ton of breakouts. I get them on occassion. I will tell you that if I didnt use the Clinique line (soap, toner) I would be a wreck! I had put off buying a lotion for a long time for fear that it would clog my pores or make my already greasy face worse. Little did I know that using this lotion would help my skin improve!
This lotion has almost a slightly minty smell and is very thin and easy to apply all over evenly. It rubs right in leaving absoulutly no greasy after feel. A few hours later when I normally feel really greasy I touched my face amazed that my skin was actually still smooth and ungreasy!
I would recommend this product to anyone. Even my husband uses this lotion. In fact he uses the whole Clinique Mens line!