My family is a member of the Clik-Flix fiasco for nearly a year now….and we are forced to continue since - once the subscription is paid you don’t get the refund.
Firstly, we never get a proper movie during the week ends, even if we book it ten days before….it seems the movies are free only during the week days, as week-ends are for the errand boys to make extra bakshish. Reporting to the head-office doesn’t help, they need cheap labor anyway.
Secondly, the record of Clik Flix may show a disc issued in your name, the collection boy may also come to collect it from your house, repeatedly……but you may not find it in your house – since it is not delivered in the first place. Issuing a disc to customer and then rotating the disc among all and sundry before delivering to the customer - is quite a common practice that happens regularly.
Third – the movie that you have booked 5 days back is delivered to you after eight o’clock on a Sunday evening – that is called Just in Time delivery – the Click Flix way.
Quite a lot of the discs are scratched and after watching through half of the movie, you spend the rest of the time on FF / RW / Play buttons to make the other half work – that is customer satisfaction - the Click Flix way
My above observations are not for a one-of case, they maintain their consistency – the Click Flix way. It is an epitome of mismanagement and malpractice and run like the Pan Shop video library – only for a higher rent. I have really burnt my fingers trying to subscribe to a Video library a la “Blokbuster” of US and Europe, but Click Flix tuned out to be the same Pan shop library in a different package.
For your info, I do not own any video parlor in competition to Click Flix and my opinion is a pure customer’s opinion. I work for an IT company and don’t tolerate nonsense with my hard earned money.