Jagjit singh enjoys the reputatoin of being one of the most respected
n talented singers and music composers in india.he is man with golden
voice, ober the past 25 years he has performed all over the country n
world.with his hgazals n songs he has really touched the lives of common
man as well as those having deep knowledge of music.
about album:this album is collection of few timeless songs from classic
hindi films.this album has been released by HMV saregama.jagjit singh
has sung all the songs in his own well known style thats why we feel
like listening to a very fresh collection of songs. this is not any
remix album as many of us might think but we can say this a version album
with little bit additon of jagjit jee s own music with own style
without making any corruption in to the songs. in earlier times technology
was not available with the composers n singers had to give their best
performance at first take, thats why when we listen to old collection
the recording seems to be pure, so this is a great effort by jagjit ji
to give us the pleasure to listen to the great classic songs with fresh
treatment. this cassette cud be a delight for the people who dont enjoy
ghazals but are great fan of jagjit singh.after listening to this album
one might wish that jagjit jee shud had opted for a two volume album
but I think he believes in quality rather than quanity, but I have heard
he is working on another experiments like this one.
about songs:
1) kahin door jab din dhal jaye is from the movie anand(1970), originally
sung by great mukesh, picutrised on rajesh khanna, this is a very hit
song of its time, here a person talks bout his life n dreams. a slow
number with silky voice of jagjitji, I bet after listening to this song
u wont like the original number coz this one has bery fresh feeling.
2)waqt ne kiya kya hasin sitam is again very slow number from the very
classic movie of gurudutt(kagaz ke phool). the treatment given by jagjitji
to this song has further increased the value of this song with great lyrics
3)yeh nayan dare dare, is from film kohraa(1964), its very sweet n naughty
number where a singer praises the beauty of his girlfriend n also ask
her to stop caring about the future n start enjoying the moments. very
seductive number.
4)dukhi mann mere, from funtoosh(1956) depicts the state of mind of a
man who has no hope from his life, again very slow number.
5)yaad kiya dil ne is from patita(1953), is a song with a bit pace sung
along with chorus. very very melodious.
6)seene me sulagte hain armaan is a song from film tarana(1951), while
listening to this song we feel like listening to another great ghazal
from jagjit jee, an ultimate song where singer talks about the pain that
accompany with the luv n the luver.
7)jane woh woh kaise log they from pyassa another gurudutt movie,
jagjit singh has been able to restore the magic of this great classical song.
8)teri duniya me jeene se to achha hai, talks bout the agony n pain
a heart broken man lives with.
9)ek pyar ka nagma hai, has been sung by jagjit singh with beauty.
10)tasveer banata hoon, a very very gud song to end the album. here singer
asks his luv interest to come into his life.
so we can say that all the songs are slow in nature n this album
wud probably be liked by every age group.
now I want some other buddies to come forward n wrtie their reviews so
that I cud refine my own thoughts n ponder over watever I wrote here or I think
about this album.