I will not be returning to Cloudnine hospital thanks to the attitude and misbehavior of one of your doctors.
First to call her a doctor would be a gross overstatement. Ive had less than pleasant experiences with her for all my ultrasounds. She spends less that two minutes looking at the ultrasound and jumps to her conclusions without reading her own reports from before. I had to tell her what she had said in her last report and only then did she look for an embryo. Otherwise she was convinced that I had miscarried already. I was willing to overlook this because everyone makes mistakes but Im absolutely angry right now with the latest events and cannot excuse this behavior.
Every time I have come to meet her, it has been a long wait. If it was an emergency case, I understand and am happy to wait patiently. But today was the absolute limit in misbehavior and disrespect towards clients. I had an 8 am appointment with her and a 9 am with Dr. Modhulika. I know that Dr. Modhulika is always 45 minutes late for the first appointment so I thought that even if Dr. Shailaja is late by 30 minutes it would be fine.
I was waiting from 7:50 am till 9:30 am and there was no sign of Dr. Shailaja anywhere. I asked the staff multiple times and no one told me anything. At 9:15 am one staff member announces to the room that Dr. Shailaja will come in another 15-20 minutes. I go to ask why. I am told that she is stuck in traffic. Are you kidding me? Does she live in Mysore? I live 30 km from the Cloud Nine hospital and I left home at 7 am to make sure I was there in time for my 8 am appointment. That can only mean that she had not even left her house by 8 am! Why keep appointments at 8 am if the doctors cant keep to the promised time? Are we idiots? Do we not have jobs? This is such a huge disrespect! Dr. Shailaja saunters in shamelessly at 9:30 am smiling and chatting some rubbish with someone on the phone. Words cannot explain how angry I was seeing her disrespectful behavior.
This is not only the doctors fault but also the fault of Cloud Nine. I have never seen any of the staff follow up with the doctors to ensure that they come for appointments on time. Every other hospital I have been to in the last couple of months are very strict about their doctors coming for appointments on time. And if they are late because of some emergency, the patients are informed.
This is not the first time this has happened at cloud nine and it is disgusting. I will be taking this up and talking about it at every website I possibly can and even go to press. You people charge a hell of a lot of money and treat your customers like RUBBISH. Who do you think you are?
You might be doctors but you should remember that we are clients of cloud nine. And if this is the way you choose to run your hospital then you are doomed. You have become a mere govt hospital, nothing else. Your brand and everything is just for show. Now that Dr. Jaya Bhat is no longer delivering there, I have no reason to trust you or any of your doctors.
I really liked Dr. Modhulika but with this disrespect and misbehavior I will rather go to any other hospital.
I hope you will take this feedback seriously and improve your establishment.