Often, good movies do not get the support they deserve. Multiplexes dont screen them for more than a week and not enough screens are kept aside for many small but beautiful movies. Club 60 is one such movie.
It is a low-budget movie but shines with outstanding performances from actors such as late Farooque Sheikh Saab, Sarikaji, Sharat Saxenaji, Tinnu Anandji among others. Raghuvir Yadavji is clearly over-the-top and though a jolly character like him added life to the movie, a balanced performance from his side and less jokes around his flirtatious character would have made the movie much more memorable.
Farooque Sheikh Saab shows marvelous restraint in his portrayal of a father who goes into acute depression after his young sons unfortunate death. His journey as a person, from a depressed father of a lost child, to a more caring and responsible husband who understands his wife is equally shattered with the loss but perhaps stronger comes out very well. The movie has good soulful songs that touch the heart and go well with the story.
The plot is predictable in a way, with back-stories for every character who appears to be jolly on the surface, but the treatment is very realistic. Scenes between Farooque Sheikh Saab and Sarikaji stand out and these actors show they can emote, even in total silence, with tears telling a story at times and a smile or a hug reflecting their strong bond, on other occasions.
The film has a sensitive treatment of human agony and sorrow that many old people go through, in life. From neglect by family to separation from partner- from dealing with souring blood relationships to surviving loss of a loved one, every such situation is trying.
The movie highlights how futile it is to measure life and separate its beautiful moments from the difficult ones. To just live life and never ever lose out on the zest and enthusiasm for the gift of life, is a message you will take away with you, after watching this movie.