Our very own bottle of Coke or black carbonated water. Summers are back and so are the days of Aishwarya Rais, Aamir khans and Hrithik Roshans who would charge crores of bucks to endorse their favourate drink.
According to market share, Coke isnt Indias favourate drink (read soft-carbonated-pesticide-infused-drink). So, what do Indian like .
Aaaaaaaaaa Cokes archrival Pepsi (the drink that could titilate every hamburger in town) . No Noways. The soft drink that rules the heart of Indians (with 23% market share of soft drinks) is our very own Hai Dum Thumbs-Up.
Could we actually diffrentiate between these three black drinks on basis of taste. Perhaps, regular drinkers can answer this one better and they can do a better job out of it. For me, only way I could differentiate between the trio is through the brand ambassadors. Or may be through the packaging.
People round the world are evenly divided towards Coke or Pepsi. In India Pepsi has a slight advantage over Coke.
A recent report printed in some newspaper came out with a very significant fact. According to the report, the people who prefer pepsi over Coke are SRK fans (more or less) while others follow AK.(Aamir Khan)
If that is the criteria then Pepsi should lead the pack with heavyweights like AB, SRK and co. But may be Indians still believe in Swadeshi Movement. Probably thats why, Thumbs up still gets a thumbs up from people while Pepsi and Coke are still laging far behind.
So, its hard to judge which one is better. Why dnt u take your own pic depending on your favorite actor.
If ingredient is the basis on which you would like to judge your bottle of carbonated water, why dont u got thru the following-
1 oz. Citrate Caffein
3 oz. Citric Acid
1 oz. Ext. Vanilla
1 Qt. Lime Juice
2 1/2 oz. Flavoring
30 lbs. Sugar
4 oz. F.E. Coco
Caramel sufficient
2 1/2 gal. Water
80 Oil Orange
40 Oil Cinnamon
120 Oil Lemon
20 Oil Coriander
40 Oil Nutmeg
40 Oil Neroli
1 Qt. Alcohol
Mix Caffeine Acid and Lime Juice
1 Qt. Boiling water add vanilla and flavoring when cool.
Let stand for 24 hours.
Some Notes on Preparing The Coca-Cola Formula
It takes 1 oz. of syrup mixed with carbonated water to make a 6.5 oz. serving of Coca-Cola.
F.E. Coco means fluid extract of coca (the plant that produces cocaine), however the recipe does not go into details as to how this extract was prepared.
Another ol Coca-Cola formula in the possession of Frank Robinsons great-grandson, indicates that 10 pounds of coca leaf are required to flavor 36 gallons of syrup.
It is also believed that the coca plant with lower cocaine levels was used to produce the extract. This is based on some of Pembertons writings that indicate some coca plants were too bitter (that was because of cocaine).
The cola in Coca-Cola comes from the kola nut, yet kola nuts are not mentioned in the above Coca-Cola formula. This was because the reason for using kola nuts was for their caffeine content, and Pemberton almost positively bought his Citrate Caffein from a company that derived their caffeine from kola nuts.
(Pemberton had previously praised the German firm Merck of producing a superior form of the stimulant from kola nuts)