I personally am a HUGE fan of Coke. Ive been drinking it since I was a little girl and I have VERY healthy teeth (refer to my picture for proof) and bones.
There is a lot of controversy that surrounds Coca Cola. People are saying this is the worst soft drink out there and that it destroys peoples insides. My review will get to the bottom of these rumors.
First Ill give a brief background of the Coca Cola company.
Coca Cola was founded in 1886
Coca Cola is the worlds leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverages
Coke produces more than 300 beverage brands
Coca Colas corporate headquarters is in Atlanta, USA
I personally love Cokes addicting bubbly taste. The first gulp of Coke is almost painful because its so good. It practically stings going down and it burns your nose. It does to me anyways...always on the first gulp. But thats what I love about it. Its a powerful drink that just makes me feel refreshed and craving more. I dont see Coke as this evil drink that is sucking the life out of my teeth and bones..I see it as a refreshing drink to cool me off on a hot summers day.
Some of the rumors surrounding my favorite beverage are listed below:
Rumor 1: The acidity in cola drinks is strong enough to dissolve teeth and bones
Cokes answer: Almost all foods contain natural amounts of acid. Fruit juices, buttermilk, soft drinks, cranberries, lemons, and limes all contain acids.
The fruits listed above are more acidic than Coke.
Phosphoric acid provides phosphorus which is an essential element for bones and tissues. Coke is not acidic enough to ruin our body tissues.
Rumor 2: Phosphoric acid in Coca Cola leads to osteoporosis
Cokes answer: Phosphoric acid is safe for use as a food additive by the health administration in every country where Coke is sold. There is little phosphorus in soft drinks, only about 2%.
Rumor 3: Caramel coloring produces genetic effects and causes cancer
Cokes answer: Caramel coloring is a safe ingredient. The caramel color is made by heating sugar and other carbohydrates. The FDA has announced all the ingredients, including the caramel, as safe for human consumption.
Rumor 4: The polyethylene glycol in soft drinks is also used as anti-freeze in automobiles and as an oil solvent.
Cokes answer: People are confusing polyethylene glycol with ethylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is the anti-freeze. Polyethylene glycol is not an added ingredient in Coke, but it is safe for use in food, according to the FDA
So there you have it, continue to drink that great drink of all times, because I know I will. I think that everything in life, if consumed in large amounts over long periods of time, probably isnt too good for you, but if you drink Coke in moderation then you shouldnt have to worry about having to dig yourself an early grave.