As per my humble opinion .. firstly we should not be discussing the pros and cons of drinking pepsi / coke / thumbs up / etc (fizzy drinks) in the first place .. it should have a separate section under beverages .. we do have a separate section called Are Soft Drinks Healthy ? .. I am going to post this same piece there too and urge you to do the same
Nevertheless, now that we have started talking about it here; I totally agree with the fact that they should not be consumed.
However in India, unfortunately everything has a price .. the great manikchand will yet manufacture and sell his ghutka so that next he can gift his wife a bentley next year.
I read a lot of reviews saying that coke can dissolve tooth / bones / metal / etc .. but I ask, has any of you tried it yourself ??
I have .. my cousin who is a GP, a qualified MBBS, had put this on display. We had a iron bolt inside the bottle and the iron disappeared in 4 - 5 days (as to what I remember)
It is horrifying to understand what we are consuming and yet consume it. But like someone said it slowly becomes a habit .. the same reason why people continue to smoke and chew tobacco.
Anyways, the prime reason for me writing this review was to try and make the recommendation for COKE go below 50%.
Since I believe every penny/drop counts I too made an effort to pull it down.