Shocked after you heard the latest news about dangerous levels of pesticides present in one of your favorite soft drinks? Well it is about time the truth dawned upon all of us. We were blindly consuming a product which now seems to be more harmful than alcohol itself!!!! Let me tell you why :
These drinks contain the following pesticides:
1.DDT- A probable Carcinogen (cancer causing agent)
2.Lindane- Nerve Poison
3.Chlorpyrifos- causes respiratory paralysis
4.Malathion- Affects nervous system
All of these pesticides were found in dangerously high quantities which were sufficient to cause growth hindrance and physiological imbalance leading to serious consequences. Thats not all here are other live examples:
DID YOU KNOW........
- A person who challenged his friends that he would drink more Coke than others died after consuming about 2.5 ltrs of Coke.
2.When a human tooth was suspended in 1/2 a litre of Coke it was seen to dissolve after 2 days!!!!.
3.Famous sportsman Prakash Padukone refused to model for Coke stating its harmful effects.
4.Coke was previously banned in India about 10 years ago following similar revealations.
Soon after the news of harmful pesticides in soft drinks, one of the soft drink companies gave an ad in the newspaper that they had done a research and had found that vegetables sold in markets have the same amount of pesticide content as their soft drinks.HOW FOOLISH! We can understand vegetables containing pesticides but soft drinks????.Morever we can atleast wash vegetables but does anyone know how to refine Coke? Let me remind these companies that we need to eat vegetables but we definitely do not need to drink these life threatning drinks.
I would definitely wish for the Govt, to Ban these products or if not let these drinks contain a warning imprinted on the bottles CONSUMING COKE IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH.