Coca cola is so dangerous do you know how much bad ingredents it has in it have you even though what could happen to you and even for the earth.for a liter of coca cola they put 8 liters of water and waste products do you have any idea what could happen to the water now there is no water to drink because of coca cola and also think about your health do you think just because people say coca cola pepsi etcc..drinks may be tasty because they look nice to see in colour or it feels like grown up to drink.will any one learn to not to drink them or make them if you and me stop driking them may be some other people can learn frm it.should only 11 years old like to should stop drinking not grown ups should stop drking them or using them do you know what will be in those nasty things buy a bottle and puor it on the bathroom see what happens it will clean the bathroom do you want ur stomach to be cleaned like that it means it will wash your intestine and make u drink again and again at last ur stomach wll burn from that do you know the history of those drinks india took money from americans so in need for that indians cannot pay that much money so tho drinks like coca cola, pepsi, thumps up, miranda has been banned in usa those things now has started in india do you want indians to drink those if you care about water, earth, you, me, people, every one stop drinking them...
by:- Avena.r