The company has undergone a lot of problem recently regarding the purity of the product. The company has made drastic changes in the prices, has lowered its prices.
Many laboratories have approved its quality but still the comsumption has lowered by the people of India. This proves that people of India are not totally money minded, they value quality even.
People donot forget any sort of scams and problems faced. As for example in politics we have the boffors case and the fodder scam. There are many like this which are very prominently remembered by the people.
Here are reduced prices of coco cola, thumbs up, sprite, limca and others.
The 2LT costsIRS.35 which was earlier IRS.43
The 1.5LT costs IRS.30 which was IRS.38
The 500ML+100ML(free)costs IRS.15 which was IRS.15 for 500 ML
The 300 ML costs IRS 7 which was IRS10
The new 200 ML has come up costing IRS 5
With such less price also people donot want to have it. The scorching sun of the summer too is not being able to force them to consume soft drinks.
Instead people have shifted to drinks like Rasna, Sunfill and other packed fruit juices.
This is a major setback to the company that inspite of reducing its prices consumption has not gone up in that ratio.
Still if anyone questions an official of the company regarding their sales and profit margin, they will answer in positive.
They will say that their company is doing very well and they are making sufficient amounts of profit. After lowering their prices so much they are still making good amounts of profit.
This means that earlier they may be playing in billlliiiiooonnnsssss.
They were fooling the public by pricing their product very high!!!this was cheating..
P.S- If there are any officials of the company who are also Mouthshut members, then kindly take out some time and write a review on whether the company is now working on full purity or is working hard to nurture more impurity in its product.