Continuing on what puchoo said in the earlier review...consumers face a simple decision making process. Let me express what I feel as a consumer.
After the hue and cry about Coke/Pepsi, me and my friends still cannot over-rule the darker side of the whole episode. The fear of drinking something which could be harmful still looms large on our mind. We used to have a lot of Coke (matter of fact Pepsi too, but more of Coke) - whenever we used to feel thirsty on the road or when we went to eatout. Even we offered these dark coloured drinks when we had guests at home. Our office Coke vending machine too used to be more crowded than these days. But those were the days...
Now, when we are thirsty on the road we first look for coconut water, fruit juices (Real and Tropicana are our favourites) or even lassi. If none is available, may be we start looking for them in the nearby shops. But not indulge in a cold drink. Even though its so pleasing to have. The urge to have Coke to quench the thirst is gone. Its gone for me. Its gone for most of my friends too. Cant really say about other consumers - but it could possibly be the same story for others too.
We have even banned the bottles of Coke at home too. Couple of years back the 2 litre bottles used to have a rack reserved in the refrigerator. Always. We have replaced them with juice and jal-jeera.
When we go out for food, drinks are a must. We liked the Coke (sometimes Pepsi too) to compliment the lovely Chinese dishes or the biriyani. Today also, I would love to have that combination again. But on second thought I order lime soda or look for lassi. The fear of consuming something harmful stays on...not yet convinced that they are perfectly fine for the health.
If me as one consumer feel this way others too might have the same thoughts. And just like every drop makes the ocean, every consumer goes on to build the market.
This could possibly be another reason why the sales of Coca Cola is not going up...