Freedom: The Coca-Cola C2 story
Introducing Coca-Cola C2... for people who dont compromise. Its not about what you cant have. Its about getting what you want.
And having what you need.
Coca-Cola C2 brings all the great Coca-Cola taste with 1/2 the carbs and calories of regular Coca-Cola. The result is an exceptional and uniquely clean, crisp refreshment experience.
Coca-Cola C2
1/2 the Carbs. 1/2 the Cals. All the great Taste
Get what you want.
I had to see what all the hype was about. The newest Coke offering is not a diet drink but caters to the Atkins crazed hordes. It gives them something to wash down their steaks and pork rinds besides the scores of diet drinks. I was at the checkout and saw the familiar shaped bottle and the coke label and thought lets try it. It is somewhere on the scale between diet and the original. They advertisement states Half the carbs, half the calories and still great taste. Not as syrupy sweet as Coke and no diet after taste. I would recommend this as a pleasant alternative, although I would not pay twice as much as the original.