First off let me say that I was raised with Coca Cola. I was born in Atlanta, where it was first introduced to the world. My mothers family always had Coke, being good little Georgia residents, but I will admit that if we had moon pies, out came a can of RC. LOL
Coke is a great institution. When my second born had terrible colic, I tried everything. Our cabinet looked like a mini pharmacy, he was jiggled, petted, burped. Finally our doctor said, Give him a few swallows of Coke. I was ready to try anything, so with the doctors blessings, I gave wee William his first sips of Coca cola. BURP!!!! A mighty belch ripped forth and suddenly there was my sweet cherub smiling at me again! Hence forth whenever we had this dilemma, out came the sacred bottle of Coca Cola.
Now I am aware of the damage that the sugars and the acids can do to teeth. I am aware that Coke contains more of the marble etching acid found in acid rain than in actual acid rain. I do not let my kids drink it at will, therefore, and only as a treat. If you have any problems with your teeth or gums, I do not recommend you drink it at all.
As wonderful as it tastes, and as grateful as I am for its anti-colic properties, I must admit there are a few things about it that are not necessarily appetizing to know.
Did you know that when carrying the syrup concentrate, the haulage driver must carry a hazardous chemical sign on his vehicle? If a spill does occur, a Hazmat team must be dispatched for cleanup. My husband was once at a site where some was spilled, and they had to clear the area. It had leaked onto tarmac. The team came and hosed it down, but of course wee bits had soaked into the tarmac. A week later when he returned the tarmac was dissolved from where the concentrate had penetrated.
If you have a bunch of rusty bits you wish cleaned, place in a bucket of Coke and leave to soak for a few days. The acid will eat away the rust. Consider this fact before plunging your hands into the bucket ungloved to retrieve the items, otherwise all those lotions you rub onto your hands will be wasted. Also remember this when selecting a drink when out and about with nowhere to even rinse your teeth. Your tooth enamel is not indestructible.
Like all good things in life, especially food that tastes so good, Coke can be bad for you. Ah well...